Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Enough of the Steroids Drama, MLB!

By Randy Greenway

Few times in my life have I witnessed a media story that's been as dragged out as this whole baseball steroids scandal. The latest in the saga involves David Ortiz and Manny Ramirez, who both allegedly tested positive for steroids a few years back while playing for the Red Sox.

I love Ortiz as much as any Red Sox fans does. This is the guy who singlehandedly dug us out of a huge hole in the 2004 playoffs, and brought us our first championship in eons with his clutch hitting. So he "cheated", but so did the rest of baseball.

At this point it just seems commonplace. Think of the biggest names in baseball over the past 10 years. Barry Bonds. Manny Ramirez. Mark McGwire. Rafael Palmeiro. A-Rod. Canseco. It never ends. Bottom line is that if you hit a lot of HRs (unless your name is Ken Griffey Jr.), you probably used steroids or some kind of substance that improved your power hitting.

It's a case of keeping up with the Joneses. David wasn't hitting in Minnesota and his career was on the rocks. Many of these players made tens of millions of dollars on contracts by "cheating".

The guy's career and well-being was on the line! He was trying to save his job. I'm not saying it makes it all right, but you might very well consider the same in his position.

Now for this list. Release the damn thing already! How fair is this to Ortiz, Ramirez, and A-ROD? Name every top Tom, Dick and Harry! I don't care if someone who played 23 games and hit .238 for the freaking Florida Marlins is on this list too. Name everyone! Now the history of the most beloved game on the earth is in question! Who should make the hall and who shouldn't now? Guess What?!? Everyone in this era used them, people!

Every sports fan is as sick of this story as Brett Favre coming in and out of retirement 4-5 times!! Enough already. This is like Hollywood remaking old movies because no one can come up with an original idea on their own.

I've had enough of all of the negativity in the baseball world, and I'm really happy to know that football season is just around the corner. I can't wait to stop hearing everyone fret about steroids, and begin the talk about some good old-fashioned football!

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