Friday, November 13, 2009

Don't Shoot Your Eye Out - Airsoft Guns And Safety Rules

By Anthony Carter

As we write this article, we would like to let you in on some of the excitement of these airsoft guns. You see, for many years, these guns have been very popular. We got into them about a year ago and ever since then, we have been interested in the different types. Our friends even come over from time to time to play with these guns. Why? Well, because they are so much fun. As we write this article, we would like to not only tell you how much fun they are, but we would like to tell you about some safety rules behind them. Almost everyone remembers the famous line in A Christmas Story: "You'll shoot your eye out with a BB gun!" Although we tend to laugh at this line, airsoft guns can be dangerous, and it's important to know some basic safety rules.

So you've asked your parents for an airsoft gun and they've said you're not old enough and might get hurt. You think they're being silly, but telling them so isn't going to help. And you can't buy an airsoft gun yourself, even if you have the money, because the law says only adults can buy them. So how are you going to get them to believe you can handle one of these weapons?

These guns are weapons, not toys, even though they are used to shoot at mock targets on a range. Never shoot them anywhere other than in designated areas or at anything other than a safety target.

First, promise your parents that you will never take your gun to school or show it off in public. Doing these things can be very dangerous; you can get kicked out of school or shot by a police officer if you break this rule. In fact, you should always carry your gun in a gun case and never use it other than on an airsoft range.

So don't show them off in public. Instead, use a gun case to carry them to and from the range. Depending on where you live, it may be required by law to do so.

And don't be one of those people yourself! Never point your gun at your friends, even as a joke, because if it goes off by accident they could lose an eye or some of their teeth. Always treat your gun like it's loaded, even if you don't think it is, and only point or shoot at targets on the range. Before shooting, check to make sure there's nobody in your way.

Since you are under', your parents or another responsible adult have to supervise you on the range. Don't grumble about this; tell them you're glad they will be there to help keep you safe.

These safety rules may sound off-putting, but they are actually simple to follow. They boil down to paying attention, treating your gun with respect, and not shooting outside of the range. If you follow them, you can have plenty of fun. There are many shooting games that don't involve breaking any of these rules, and you can even shoot at other people in paintball like games if your targets are wearing proper protective gear.

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