Thursday, October 8, 2009

Swimming Lessons First

By John Knight

Fun in the sun is not the first thing that comes to some parents minds when their children are around the water. More and more children are missing out on an essential safety skill in there lives.

In children under the age of 14, drowning is the 2nd leading cause of death. Wow! Now that is something to sit and think about. Is my child swimming or has my child taken some sort of swimming safety class?

There is a child's pool party birthday going on almost every other day, and yet we have a child killed by drowning every 15 minutes according to the surveys done in two areas of China, Thailand, Vietnam and Bangladesh. Now we need to give our children a little more on this.

Yes I do feel a whole lot more strong on this subject of swimming lessons, but I'm sure that all parents can agree with me that the statistic of children dieing while swimming or being in the bath tub is very scary.

So parents ask yourself, when you were growing up didn't you love to be able to go and play in the water freely? I know I did. Every child wants to, loves to and has to go and have fun in the sun. That's just the way the kids are.

A lot of children can get in the water and be happy but just can't enjoy it as much because they don't know how to swim to save themselves. There are so many different ways and tips to help you teach yourself or your child the correct way to swim.

Child swimming is great and they all need it, I am a professional swim instructor. I will be here to help you teach your child how to swim and stay safe. Parents thank you for reading and gaining this information about your child.

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